The Heavenly Banquet is a Progressive Christian ministry featuring sermon, educational, and devotional podcasts hosted by Chad Rhodes and Charlotte Elia. We believe in the all-inclusive, ever-expansive power of God's love, and we seek to serve those without local access to affirming, justice-centered Christian communities.
We strive to be Gospel-oriented, historically grounded, and theologically rigorous. God is love, and love is serious business. Still, we avoid dogma in favor of a generous orthodoxy encompassing thousands of years of Christian thought and practice. A rigid faith breaks under stress, and we hope to offer spiritual tools to help you make sense of and navigate the world.
A huge thank you to our supporters, it means a lot that you support our podcast.
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The Heavenly Banquet is a Progressive Christian ministry featuring sermon, educational, and devotional podcasts hosted by Chad Rhodes and Charlotte Elia. We believe in the all-inclusive, ever-expansive power of God's love, and we seek to serve those without local access to affirming, justice-centered Christian communities.
We strive to be Gospel-oriented, historically grounded, and theologically rigorous. God is love, and love is serious business. Still, we avoid dogma in favor of a generous orthodoxy encompassing thousands of years of Christian thought and practice. A rigid faith breaks under stress, and we hope to offer spiritual tools to help you make sense of and navigate the world.